New Dates !!!
CALL for ABSTRACTS: Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation
8-9 March 2024, Athens
Important Dates Submission of Abstracts: 30 September 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 15 October 2023
Submission of Final Paper: 15 April 2024
International conference jointly organised by Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University - EIREST (FR), Harokopio University (GR), University of the Aegean (GR)
Organizational Committee:
Prof. Maria Gravari Barbas, Prof. Paris Tsartas, Prof. Theano S. Terkenli, Dr. Sofoklis Skoultsos.
Contact details: intocus@hua.gr
Further details for submission procedures, fees and publication opportunities will be provided soon.
Conference Themes
Abstracts may relate to (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Contemporary and recent heritage and sustainable tourism development
- Crisis management in the tourism, culture and heritage sectors
- The changing roles of tourism stakeholders, problems and perspectives
- Limits of acceptable change and nature based solutions
- Sustainable planning and marketing for tourism and culture/heritage
- Policy-making and governance in the sectors of tourism and culture/heritage
- New approaches to destination management
- New paradigms of governance for sustainable tourism and culture/heritage
- New ethics in sustainable tourism and culture/heritage
- Locall/reegional community-based and bottom-up approaches in tourism planning
- Co-creation, co-development and innovation in bottom-up, participatory, creative, community-based initiatives in tourism
- Awareness raising, sensitization, mobilization of local societies/communities for tourism, heritage and local development
- Education on sustainable programs in tourism and heritage
- The digital turn in tourism
- Special-interest tourism products
- The role of the landscape in new tourism shifts/trends
- Off-the-beaten-track tourism and heritage development
- Intangible heritage and tourism
- New urban tourism
- Smart tourism
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