Call for Book Chapters - Art and Architecture in Wine Tourism
Art and Architecture in Wine Tourism
Theoretical Underpinnings & Business Insights
Palgrave MacMillan – SPRINGER
Book Editors
Marianna Sigala, University of Newcastle, Australia
Maria Gravari-Barbas, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France
Book chapters (conceptual, empirical research and/or case studies) can relate and contribute to the following (but not limited) topic areas and thematic units:
1. Art and architecture in designing wine tourism experiences and business models
- Using art and architecture as resources for building business models and innovation
- The art of wine making; wine makers as artists
- Wine tourism, star-architecture and iconic buildings
- Artists, winescapes and tourism
- Artist capitalism and branding in the winescape
- Heritage architecture and wine tourism
- Visual and performing arts in wine tourism production
- Art and wine brand elements (logo, slogan , wine label)
- (Digital) Art in the (virtual) winescape
- Aboriginal art and wine tourism
- Teaching and developing wine art skills and capabilities
2. The role and impact of art and architecture on:
- wine tourism consumption / consumer behaviour: e.g. willingness to pay, loyalty and decision-making processes, wine tourists’ aesthetics and art appreciation etc.
- wine tourism production: e.g. the use of art and architecture as part of the wine brand image and brand status development, development of wine brandlands and house of wines, development of wine museums and wine centres
- wine destinations: e.g. destination competitiveness, destination authenticity, culture preservation, sustainable tourism development, stakeholder collaborations, multi- sectoral synergies
Download the Call for Chapters
Book Chapter Submission
Submission deadline of abstracts (approx. 500 words): 31st March 2024
Feedback on abstracts will be provided by the: 15th of April 2024
Submission deadline of full chapters (6000 words): 30 July 2024
Please e-mail your manuscripts to the book editors.